Two little lambs
Sheep weigh from seven to thirteen pounds at birth. Lambs seem to put on weight fairly quickly because by the time they’re two months old they weigh from thirty-five to sixty pounds if they’re healthy. Adult male sheep can weigh up to four hundred pounds while adult females can weigh up to two hundred and fifty poundsWhen lambs are born, they nurse from their mothers. However, they start to eat solid foods soon. By the time they are about a month old, they’re getting half their nutrients from solid foods such as the hay and grass they graze on. Sheep eat plant material and are also known to like fruits and other vegetation as wellSheep were the first animals to be domesticated and many remain that way today. When domesticated they usually live on farms or large properties where they have fields to graze in. Most wild sheep live in North America, Europe and the Middle East.
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