Ladies who Lunch

Today is the 4th Friday in the month which means u3a Scottish History in the morning.  Members take turns in present a topic - today RM shared some tales of murder from times gone by involving the upper and middle classes. These  included  some that I was not familar with including the role Frances Carr, Countess of Sommerset in the murder of Thomas Overby in 1615, that by Mary Blandy of her father in 1751, and  and that of Miss Gilchrist in Glasgow in 1908, which is still unsolved. RM knows his subject well and tells it well and so it was an interesting morning.  

Afterwards I had lunch with VC in one of the local cafes. Mine was a rather hearty cullen skink.  It was nice to catch up properly, rather than at the edges of meetings and walks. 

A quiet weekend beckons - this should include time in the garden. 

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