
By KCNQ2Haiku


Just a Saturday,
made quieter than normal,
cook, bake, tidy, walk.

I'm trying to stop biting off more than I can chew on a Saturday!  Also now that Ben's medication is damping down some of his giddiness we don't need as many hours out walking, trying to wear him out.  So we didn't have a walk in the morning, we stayed in and prepared the lunch, tidied up, did some baking and it worked well.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku took Leo out for a little walk, so that was perfect.  After lunch Mr KCNQ2Haiku headed off to see some friends, so hopefully that's a fun afternoon and evening for him :-)  Ben and I took Leo to the woods for a stomp and it all went well.  
Ben has been getting a bit agitated about an idea he's had about filming.  He says he had a dream about making a film a couple of night ago so he's writing lists about what equipment he needs and he got a bit upset when I said I wouldn't google it for him.  He's not allowed internet access as he spirals into click, click, clicking on everything and gets really in a spin.   Eventually I said I would see if I had any camera books and I found a few on dSLRs and photography and I told him the same principles work for filming as for photography, it's just another offshoot.  Of course then he asked to look at my camera which I don't like him doing but it seemed like the lesser of two evils.  In the end he had quite a lot of fun watching me change the lenses and seeing what different pictures the different lenses could take.  Then we uploaded the photos and he was happy.  I've said I'll do a bit more with him after this, so I can't stop.  The photo I've picked today is daffodils from our neighbour.  We saw them as we were getting out of the car after the woods walk and I took Leo over for a snuffle.  He loves them and the feeling is mutual!  Ben came too and he was asking about the flowers in their garden.  My neighbour said he could have these daffodils.  She is very sweet and Ben was happy.
He has been a bit grumpy late afternoon though, I'm not sure why, he was cross that the toilet seat is a little bit wobbly and he broke his glasses over it.  So frustrating.  So that's me back to the opticians on Monday then.  Oh well, he seems settled enough now, hopefully it'll be an easy bedtime :-)

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