Excellent advice

Spending too many hours on the administrative tasks required by being self employed. Still got out for a run along my One Street at midday. Ponsonby Road is often very busy with workers having their lunch breaks in one of the many cafes along the length of the street. Not so much today, perhaps because there has been so much rain most days this week.

The poster(s) of this ongoing series of what I have called Local Thoughts, has put up a number of new and repeat messages over the last few days. I say that less because I have seen some for the first time today, and I was along the length of the street as recently as last Friday. Rather it's because so many are still in very good condition. Neither torn nor defaced.

This is on the side wall of a building on Ponsonby Road, just 2 metres back from the street frontage. As I was getting up from the crouch to take this, a passerby (who had paused to read it) commented that "This is a good one".

My first blip of one of these was just over a year ago. I still have no idea as to the origin of the posters. Likewise, I remain no wiser as to who damages them, nor why.

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