
By Charlie17

A Pain In The Neck!

Not me this time!
Didn't sleep well because of, see title.
Last night, we went to see a local production of a play based on Blown Seed by David Toulmin. It was about a girl who gives up her life on a farm and at times I thought of a great song by Richard Thompson called Beeswing. Well worth a listen here
Anyway, there was a tall man in front of me and I had to crane my neck, stretch etc resulting in, see title.
The tulip bulbs were bought and planted last year and look rather pretty.
The plant behind is actually a globe artichoke.. We changed our garden around and transplanted the artichokes and they seem to be thriving. It has produced artichokes but we've never eaten any yet. Perhaps this year.
What's that they say about artichokes? The only vegetable when you have more on your plate at the end than at the beginning!
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