The Times They Are a-Changin’

The fact that I am writing this journal entry in broad daylight at 6.30pm is evidence of the clocks going forward an hour this morning. We went out for our usual Sunday stroll / coffee shop visit at what seemed like the usual time, but the clocks all said it was an hour later than it felt. I was secretly hoping the Town Hall clock hadn’t been altered to BST this morning so I could tut about council shortcomings etc. but I was out of luck. Obviously they decided to pay someone a bit of weekend overtime to go in and change it this morning. Of course, the clock going forward an hour isn’t the only change on the Kendal skyline. The “Taco Bridge” is still less than a year old but it is starting to grow on me now. I did think it was an original design, but watching a documentary based around London last week, I noticed a couple of very similar bridges in the background of some of the shots, so maybe the Kendal one was just ordered “off the peg”, so to speak.
The other recent change is the Ukrainian flag flying over the Town Hall. It went up just over twelve months ago and it is, in some ways, sad to see it still there. But it does serve as a daily reminder that the conflict continues and we should continue to show our support until a resolution is achieved. And don’t get me started on probably the biggest change along the river - the wholesale chopping down of trees that has happened in the last twelve months as part of the flood defence works.
But despite all these changes, the river keeps flowing and, overall, the Auld Grey Town looks pretty much the same to me as it did when we moved here thirty odd years ago. Which is a good thing. Change doesn’t always mean better…

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