Place: Largo, FL 70/84
Main activity: Sun - bike, relaxing
Notes: Woke early, inside was still over 80 deg! Am not appreciating this hot winter at all. Decided to go ahead and bike ... and even went ahead with an attempt at riding to the trail - was hoping it was early enough that the big busy roads would feel safe. Got there ok and headed south - the trail itself isn't lit at all in many areas and for long stretches and at times, couldn't see much in front of me at all - realized how weak my headlight is. Here's a shot of a little lake I go by, is nearly the only water I see in this area. Went out 6 mi and then turned around, got back by park/library and headed on those back roads to see where they went. By the time I got back, it was just over 15 mi (surprised myself). Warm humid morning, so put on suit and went to cool off in the pool and showered off there. Watched the CBS Sun Morning show w/ my coffee. Made a big batch of scrambled eggs w/ sautéed zucchini and a toasted croissant. Took another try at my key lime pie by scraping out the fill and making a 1/2 recipe (that's all the key lime juice I had left) - worked well, poured over the pecan crust and was plenty and tastes great (shocking I could save it!). Quiet rest of day puttering around the house, ran the dishwasher. 

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