
By lisachristie


Well that was a late night last night! Good to catch up on the family gossip and enjoy home cooked food (and no washing up - we did offer). What with the clocks changing and the late night we all slept late, had another good gossip over breakfast, then drove back “north” through the Rotherhithe tunnel again to home.

A bit more admin and tidying this afternoon before dinner duty for me. Our Christmas amaryllis is coming on strong. The green fingered amongst you may want to look away. I’m afraid this was a Christmas present that was never taken out of the box what with the builders and all. We found it a week or so ago and it had started to grow in the box. Wonky, yellow and bent at the top. Well since been given a little love, care and attention over the last few days it’s thrived, greened and straightened, and is now flowering. A life lesson for us all..

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