Sunrise Over the Dandelion Meadow

"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One." - Nicolas Cage as Seth, City of Angels.

There is a movie that I love called City of Angels, starring Nicolas Cage (as Seth) and Meg Ryan (as Dr. Maggie Rice). It's the story of an angel who decides to become human for the love of a beautiful woman.

One of my favorite scenes in the movie occurs when the angels gather at dawn to listen to the celestial music of the sunrise.

On this particular May morning, surrounded by a field of white angels, and listening to the quiet world as it came awake beneath the rising sun, I was reminded of that scene. I could almost hear the celestial music. If you listen closely, maybe you can hear it too . . .

[The soundtrack:[url=] Jane Siberry and k.d. lang, Calling All Angels.][/url]

In the film, one of Seth's responsibilities as an angel is to appear to people who are close to death and guide them to the next life. A question that Seth asks each one is what they liked best about living.

And so let me ask you the question: What has been your favorite thing in this life?

For myself, I don't know that I can pinpoint a single one. Loving and being loved would rank right up there. I've seen so many beautiful things in this world that it's hard to choose, but one of my very favorite things in this life would have to be watching the sunrise. Now it's your turn . . .

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