Sealife Shinannigans

I went with the girls to the Sealife Centre in Brighton. The boys had great fun running around yelling "wow" with each fish tank!! It was so nice to watch them!!

We then headed to the beach for chips. Matty had a lovely time throwing stones while Jasper went for a buggy sleep. I missed taking pictures of him on the beach!

Back home and I got some bits done in the studio. I had a kiln load that had just finished with a new glaze. It was a bit of a disaster as a lot of it ran, sticking the things to the kiln shelves. Another beautiful bowl broke. I don't think the glaze was very well matched to the clay. As I always say, learn not to love anything you make until its finished but you can't help but feel disappointed with a disaster. I have lots of chiselling to do before I can run the kiln again!!

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