The pond
A pair of Canada geese, plus Mallard drake on the pond this morning. They've nested on the island in previous years.
I forgot to alter Mum's bedroom clock yesterday so she had slept on. Ops! We had a chuckle about it, but I had to remind her that she needs to take the key out of the back door after she locks it at bedtime. Might need to stick a little reminder on the back of the door as I obviously couldn't unlock it if the key is in the lock. I took her a meal plated from our meal yesterday, plus a rhubarb crumble that I baked separately. She's a Rodda's fan as well.
I popped in the library to enquire about books by Bryce Courtenay, 2 available to order, so ordered. The temp librarian recognised me as she'd bought plants from me at my charity sale held last year. Nipped in the pet shop to buy birdseed & peanuts. Drove to the plot to pick up compost, snapped a pic of Liz's rhubarb which I sent her to chivvy her up to go & pick. :-) She sent me a thumbs up.
"Save time, do it online". Great advice, but it did'nt work. Well that did'nt work yesterday, but the only way I could find to access the "chat" was by filling out the application online. I did that, got to 'Chat', no response Grhhh! I rang the DVLA to check what the problem was with hubby's licence renewal A technical problem they are experiencing related to new passports. Now need to get a new photo to add to renewal. Next I rang Torbay hospital regarding a phonecall Mum received last week from the Memory Assessment Dept. They now have my phone number as point of contact. Does'nt sound like Mum is likely to see anyone for at least a couple of months probably more.
I sowed beetroot, parsnip, Swiss chard, perpetual spinach, & salad bowl lettuce in cells to start in the greenhouse. Put canna seed to soak overnight before sowing tomorrow.
I cleaned the birdbaths & refilled, topped up the feeders. Picked in the laundry. Time for a cider & The Chase
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