A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb

A windy Mochrum Loch

Grabbed this from the car window on my way back from checking up on my mum and her broken leg. Much windier than the other day's blip of the same loch.

Home to many workmen all busy - painting outside, laying slabs, building walls, sorting out wee jobs in the house.... And taking up all the space in the drive with their vans!

Guinness is hugely unhappy and has obviously spent the second day hiding under the duvet in fear. All happening again tomorrow which will thrill him no end.

Aga getting serviced tomorrow too so spent last hour cleaning it within an inch of its life now that it is cold and I won't burn myself every two seconds like normal when I try to clean it.

Yesterday's sudden illness I blame on my lunch.... A ready prepared salad in a box thing. Still not feeling myself today - such a sore tummy. Hey Ho.... Just ignoring it!

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