West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Lobey Dosser

This is Lobey Dosser the Sheriff of Calton Creek, an outpost of the wild west, supposedly located somewhere in Arizona, but its inhabitants were all Glaswegians from the Calton area and spoke with Glasgow accents.

"Lobey Dosser", the whiskered Sheriff of Calton Creek was assisted by "El Fideldo" (Elfie), his two-legged horse, to protect the citizens against the evil plans of "Rank Bajin".

Created by Bud Neill's the cartoonist and here immortalised in bronze on Hillhead Street in Glasgow. The sculpture was erected in 1990 in memory of Bud who died in 1970, it is a funny installation tucked away but rally deserves to be seen

I hope you get a giggle and enjoy the shot

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