Ex=Outside, beyond.
Deus ex Machina = God of the Machine.
It is a literary term, used for things that authors do to make things happen quickly or to make things happen that would not happen at all in real life.
- (Copy pasted off Google search/Quora)
Strava Day 663.
*Uploaded indoor yoga photo and video in my Strava account.
*Dentist finished the root canal procedure today. Great to hear that I did not have to wait for an hour before I could have any food intake. She will be beginning the Periodontal debridement this Saturday.
*Highlights of the dentist appointment today include:
- The dentist offering to sing with her background music and actually singing while doing her thing.
-Getting allowed to play my "Liked Songs" in our Spotify playlist using their speaker
- Me asking for a ballpoint pen to correct the sign in their washroom which says: "Please keep the door always close."
Told them that it should have a letter "d" at the end of "close" as "close" and "closed" is different especially in that context.
Featured photo is one side of a local diner's Upper Deck. It is my first time to dine in and try their Tokwa Sisig (spicy tofu dish). Uploaded photo in my food IG.
Title is something I noticed carved in one of the hanging details in this wall. Had to google.
Now blipping inside our local gym as it suddenly rained hard.
Good thing Coach Eric, most trusted Coach at Fitness lab is here with available time. Will spend a lifting session with him while am unable to go home in bad weather.
Grateful always for family, good food, nature and space. Have a good one!
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