Old Tin Bath

The master's dog, Jak, was in disgrace; he had somehow slipped his leash and had bounded away, trampling newly emerged spring flowers in his wake.  To complete his misdemeanours, he ended up jumping into a rather muddy deep puddle.  There was no help for it, he needed a bath before the mistress would allow him back into the house and around her precious furniture.  A search of the outhouses discovered an old tin bath, rather rusty but none-the-less capable of holding water long enough to give the mutt a soaking.  By the look on his face he might think twice about repeating the exercise ... or maybe not!

One in my occasional series of doll's house models.  This is a 1/12th scale (1inch = 1foot) model of a dog which I had positioned in a metal bath which I filled with scenic water.  The rust came much later ... yesterday actually ... curtesy of  modelling "rust paint"  which I think  works rather well.  

Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting this month's Tiny Tuesday challenges.

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