Goodbye COVID

My human no longer has COVID. Yay! Though we're guessing the negative test result could be wrong as Ann is certain that the four negative results she got prior to testing positive were almost certainly wrong as she felt really ill. Anyway, all is good now as Ann feels great, so we can get on with our normal life. Whatever our normal life may be?!

Because Ann had already decided (when she was isolating) she would do one job a day, that she'd been putting off for ages, today she said she had to sort out all her bedding and towels. She ended up with a big pile of towels that she no longer wanted and said we would take them to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat home' for little doggies who aren't as lucky as me.

I don't mind Ann donating towels to the 'Dog & Cat home', but I was a bit worried that she would make me donate my manky old balls again. Just before Christmas I had a whole boxful of manky old balls (see here) which Ann washed and then I had to donate them all to little doggies who are less fortunate than me.

My manky old balls box isn't even a quarter full yet, so Ann said, 'Trixie. of course you can keep all your manky old balls. When your manky old balls box is full, we'll take them to the Dog & Cat home, but until then you can keep them.' Phew!!!! I was getting a bit worried.

After we'd dropped off all the towels (& a few more blankets that Ann had knitted), I went for a run on Porty Beach and a play with one of my nicer balls. We also met our friend, Iain, (who now lives in Porty) but he didn't want to come on a walk with me. He'd just come out for 5 mins of fresh air and a chat with Ann. And then he went home.

And that's been our day............................ Not much more to report........... but my human is so glad she no longer has COVID!!!

PS – A week ago Ann washed my little bed and it's taken me until today to go back into it. I don't like it when my bed's smell fresh. I like stinky beds!!

PPS – Ann is thinking she might have a glass of wine this evening. She really hasn't felt like drinking anything for the last week and thought COVID might have cured her of her 'wine addiction'? Obviously not. Lol!!

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