Mill Burn Cascade.
It's been a miserable day. Practically continuous rain. I thought I'd sorted out my car insurance, but no. The price went up, not by much but a bit of a blow just the same. Once that was sorted the tree and japanese quince I ordered arrived which was nice but unpacking them wasn't. They were in very secure packaging which was excellent but it was the devil to get them out of it. However they are now sitting in the rain waiting to be planted. The computer people phoned and someone is coming on Saturday to install it. I had hoped to get back to the ivy but the rain and sorting out the old computer mean it won't happen. It was the afternoon before I went shopping,. I opted for Marks instead of trekking to Kinross. Filled up with petrol in Glenrothes, did my shopping, switched on the car engine and found myself locked in the car with the alarm blaring. No idea how it happened and no idea how to stop it. Basically pressed every button in sight, switched off the engine, silence. Phew ! Switched the engine on again. Repeat performance. Eventually something worked and I drove off to buy cash books for my new financial year then, in a fit of idiocy took the hill road home. It was flooded in places and I didn't see another car. Nobody else was so stupid. However I arrived safely in Falkland and nipped into the Estate for a quick blip. What a relief it was to get home.
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