Birthday Gals

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow, 

Early April brings us the birthdays of Shenée, Fazzy and April all in quick succession. 

I think April's is in April because that is not her actual name. It is actually Froilene Joy which may help you understand why we all call her April. 

So today I was in town to meet Corrie and Ellie for lunch, but also took the opportunity to buy birthday presents for Shenée and Fazzy.

Today's blip is a picture from the book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - Fazzy loves these sort of books. Shenée meanwhile, got a $150 voucher to go for a nice dinner with Craig. 

As for Corrie and Ellie, they were as much fun as always. And as I met them in the Kainga Ora building, I ran into a lot of old faces. My old manager told me he is working on a plan to get me back but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. 

For now, I was just happy to see my friends.


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