"Helt Sort"
We started early this morning - I left home at 6.30 AM and went to Helle's. She had left for work, but I had borrowed her training hall as Gollum and I was meeting with a TV crew, who is producing a show called "Helt Sort".
The concept is that Melvin Kakooza - a famous Danish comedian - is introduced to hobbies that he has never heard of before.
I started by traning Xmas and Tango before the TV people arrived.
When they arrived and had set everything up, then Gollum and I performed our routine. I was interviewed about the sport and then I showed Melvin a simple routine.
He learned the routine and then he got to work with Gollum for a bit.
Finally he performed the small routine with Gollum. After a few attempts, he was actually able to do it without carrying treats in his hands.
The programme should be out sometime in the autumn.
I stopped on the way home to get a new name tag for Gollum - he lost his. I am hoping for dryer weather later, so we can go for a walk.
See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys
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