Boxing Day
The weight of the world on his shoulders!
The hares were throwing punches right left and centre, chasing round the field and annoyingly I had just moved out of my car parking space on a narrow lane and found myself in a dilemma so just stopped in the middle hoping no-one would want to come past and they didn't.
Up to this point I had been haring around, with Tilly on the front seat of the car, seeing a lot of sedentary hares, again from behind stone walls but with no action, when suddenly and surprisingly it all kicked off here. A hare had bounded in from another field - I saw it in my rear view mirror cross the road. I needed my vantage point back and a few minutes break gave me chance to reverse a bit to snuggle the wall but think a couple of later cars weren't amused.
These are two males - the one underneath losing the battle eventually but this shot amused me as he looks like he's carrying a sack of coal on his back.
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