
By DrHfuhruhurr

Josienne Harris and Ben Walker

Live Lunch at Salisbury Arts Centre - Sunday 19 May

My review of gig I submitted to Salisbury Journal (wondering if it'll be published tomorrow!) :

With their debut album entitled Homemade Heartache, spending an overcast lunchtime in the Arts Centre listening to this award winning duo's tales of melancholy and loss initially sounded like a daunting prospect. Despite the songs including the usual gin soaked mix of folk ingredients, the pair managed to blow away the clouds with their beautiful music and lifted the spirits of the audience in between songs with their humour and warm stories.

There wasn't an empty table for this free brunch show. Children, enjoying their macaroons, were blissfully unaware of the significance of the lyrics; teenagers were hoping the tales of love and loss wouldn't happen to them; and the older generation sipped their coffee in quiet, reflection of past romances. Josienne and Ben mixed their own songs with timeless classics, including a moving version of "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and classic Sandy Denny tunes including "Who Knows Where The Time Goes" - where indeed!

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