Rain and mist.

A chilly day with heavy showers.  I managed to load all the greenery for the recycling centre into the car early on before it got too wet.  Car insurance documents arrived from the firm I'd cancelled insuring with so I had to phone them just to be sure I was cancelled. I long wait in a queue but it was worth it to be sure the cancellation had gone through.  Then the computer firm texted wanting confirmation that I had the computer and checking that I knew it was being installed tomorrow.  Yet more contacting. It seems a bit over the top to me.  Did bits and pieces until Chloe arrived in the afternoon Sorted out what she was doing and what to do about the house key as I would be at the recycling centre. Went off in a torrential downpour which thankfully eased off by the time I arrived. Got rid of everything with no trouble and drove along to my favourite lay-by at Strath hoping for a photo and wasn't disappointed.  Stopped at the Pillars on the way home for milk. It's been a stressful week and I haven't quite calmed down so succumbed to wine and crisps. Hopefully it will all be over tomorrow and I can get some peace and quiet.

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