And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

park life

hey guys hope al is well. Im ok had another busy morning doing this and that, got weighed my weight watcher leader give me a big hug before I stepped on scales I was touched to say the least :) anyway I stepped on and braced myself to my total surprise lost 1.5 lbs made up with that.

we then went blind shopping for the bathroom all ended pretty painlessly lol
Then home to wait for my hoover it didn't come :( the guy text and said can he bring it tomorrow instead I said no we will collect tonight, I hate waiting around for people....

went round the park this aft took a few photos felt a little strange, we headed to the super market I waited in the car while dave got my meds and so on. when we got home around 330 I went straight to bed the pain in my back was pretty bad by then. I slep for 3 hours when I woke up Dave had made me a yummy meal and bought me some roses :) how nice:))

Im still tired now but my mood rating is 3 content :)

Final note to all those touched by today's tragic news, so so sad my love is with you, just shocking.

love c x x x

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