
By Karnie1121

Reflections On Two Years

It's hard to believe it's been two years since I first joined blip. A lot has happened within those two years--some good, some not so good--and it's been harder and harder to keep up with blipping. Some days trying to find a good photo feels like a chore, a drastic change from the delight I used to get out of taking photos every day and the challenge of finding a good subject even when pickings seemed slim. I'm not sure how to proceed with blipping. Part of me feels like I'd be giving up if I stop taking photos every day, but part of me feels like maybe it's necessary to take a break to recharge and renew my enthusiasm for the hobby. I also would like to develop my photography skills further and actually buy a real camera rather than just taking photos with my phone.

Whatever I decide, thank you to everyone who has stayed with me these past two years and provided encouragement, support, and inspiration. You are a great group of positive, creative people, and you are what makes me want to keep blipping. I really appreciate all of you!

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