
By LifeBeginsAt22

Oh! Is it really 6.30AM?!

He slept through the night! Yippee! Although we had fun changing nappies, bottle feeding (eating rice cakes!!!) and watching cbeebies at half 6 this morning! (Definitely not ready for kids of my own just yet!) The newly-weds came in at around 9am to find all three of us (me, sissy and little man) asleep again in our bed together!

Once we had eventually got showered and dressed we went for our brekkie... The most amazing fry up I've ever eaten! I felt so relaxed during our stay, I didn't want to leave! Sissy drove home (I was asleep the whole way - Sorry Soph!) then I had work in the afternoon where it was a challenge to keep my eyes open!

Brilliant weekend!

Emily XxX

(Can't believe I've published a morning/no-make up pic!!!)

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