Rodents rule

By squirk

I'm not playing

Whisky has a friend, I think. There's a lovely white and ginger cat who visits, mainly to see the guineas (see here). Lately, this visitor has been rubbing noses with Whisky. The nose rub is followed by a paw swipe from either white and ginger cat or Whisky then Whisky runs off. Fred even witnessed some synchronised rolling on the grass the other day. In the blipped pose, Whisky is pretending that ginger and white cat doesn't exist (she/he is behind the fern).

I've been non-stop all day with various freelance projects. However, I took a break at the end of the day to measure an area of Rosebery's car park with a view to fitting in another stall for the West Norwood FEAST. I did this by cutting string to match the depth and length of three stalls. I then laid them on the car park in various positions, and I can indeed fit in another stall. The postman and Rosebery's cleaner were intrigued by what the bonkers woman was doing with bits of string. The postman said he was impressed by my ingenuity (I think he took pity on me).

Fred and I ate out tonight, in the garden. I was fed up of being in the kitchen, having worked there all day, so out we went. Albeit Fred had to layer up to keep warm, but it was nice to be in the garden with the guinea pigs and Whisky. It was Omar's hour to go to bed, but we had a good view of her tucked-up shell.

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