Nose bumps

A great day. I had a list of jobs to do in the garden this morning that needed assistance. Being the 1st of the month B is normally busy on the computer, but not today, I needed him!!! 

We got finished in time for a visit from R, who was in Lincoln for an appointment and a meeting. It was super to see her and Amber, who obviously had no idea that she was coming, was so excited. The saga of my blocked bank account continued so we got her on the case. A 28 minute phone call this time and conversations with another two employees appears to have got it unblocked, but I remain to be convinced. 

I’ve added an extra as we had an interesting conversation with two gentleman when walking Amber later this afternoon. These gents had small sailing boats and were heading for Boston. As we arrived on scene they were setting up a tent like structure on the boat to provide cover to sleep under tonight. I don’t envy them. One chap was very interested in Amber as he has a 6 month old liver and white GSP similar to her. 

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