
We attended a memorial service for Stella, a dear old friend who passed in December at 96. Stella, or Coach B as we knew her as one of our biggest basketball supporters. She taught at Notre Dame High School in California for 38 years, where she was also their first girls’ basketball coach.

A beautiful service today, but I knew it would be. The best line from the eulogy was from Father Michael, always the character. He said, a few months before her passing, Stella asked him, “So what do you think dying feels like?” He said, “How the hell would I know? I’ve never done it before.”

It may be hard to see in the little box on the lower right of the collage, but in the middle of the service, the sun streamed into the chapel, illuminating only two: the portrait of Stella, and Father Michael behind it.

Heaven knows best on who needs illuminated and when.

Thanks for being our friend. Rest in teaching and coaching wisdom, Coach B.

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