
By ChubbasMummy

Little Bit About Myself

Well i will start with talking about myself.

I am a young single mummy to my 10 week old daughter AR, I get judged from random people in the street on a daily basis for this. I live at home with my Mum and my siblings, MR, LR and HR. Even though my Dad lives in a separate house he is still only five minutes away and is at mine basically all the time. Even though they get on my nerves at times, I love my family to bits and they are my world.

I am a student at Edinburgh College even though there is only about three weeks left, then I will be a full time mummy to my little chubbas. I also do a lot of volunteering within my local community, i volunteer for two local youth groups, Midlothian Youth Platform-MYP and Newbattle Youth Platform-NYF.

Well that's a little incite into my life.

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