Street Dance

3years 213days

I picked Katie up a bit earlier tonight as we'd found out about a street dance class that some of her friends go to. It happens to be in the same building I work in. She had just finished her tea when I arrived and was very excited to change into her new dance legs, rather than her ballet tights. She was a bit clingy when we arrived, snuggled on my knee a while and making brief squawks as I went to leave her. A friend from nursery soon arrived and she settled very quickly. I hung around outside the room for this week's class. In future weeks I will tidy the studio and drink tea there but today I enjoyed watching her. She loved it. And did really well. She amused me as she really is quite balletic in most of her dance. However when they had to do a wiggle, boy can she wiggle her bottom! She picked it all up really quickly. So much so that after class the teacher told me how well she'd done and that she'd be welcome to take part in their summer show which is only 5 classes away.

Katie's 3 things (after an EXTREMELY bouncy day, according to Lesley)
* We had to creams for our dinner. Two different ones. (they had a cheese dip with their tea and cream with their fruit)
* We played with everything of the toys and did some running but Brooke got flowers from the tree.
* Evie went home after dinner

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