wisdom comes with age

Gracie is a wise old dog. She knows when she needs help, and she isn't afraid to ask for it.
Here's the story. Gracie has had hives, scabs and itchy skin since last August. We have been to the vet many times to try to find a cure, or at least some relief, with not much success. After a steroid shot, medicated shampoo, a topical spray, and four different antihistamines, we had given up. But not Gracie.
We happen to live next door to the vet hospital. We often walk by it on our daily walks. Yesterday as we were walking by it, Gracie walked right up to the door! I thought that was strange since most animals do not like going to the vet. Today she did it again, so I relented and made another appointment.
And guess what? The vet gave Gracie an even bigger steroid shot and a new lotion to try.
Lesson learned - never give up hope and keep asking for help :-)

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