Feijoas - again.

Alhtough I know feijoas aren't widely known in the Northern Hemisphere (I've often wondered why that is)  I was really surprised last night at how many blippers had never heard of them or kiwis love affair with them so here's a little more information.  They are sweet with a unique flavour, a combination  guava, pineapple and pear.  The texture is similar to that of a ripe pear and they are roughly  similar in size to kiwifruit. They are very high in potassium and just two feijoas provide 64% of the recommended daily Vitamin C.  They are widely grown in home gardens, are heavy croppers and are widely distributed to friends, family, neighbours and workmates.  The best way to eat them (I think)  is as above, cut them in half and scoop out the flesh - divine but they stew well, make a delicious crumble,  particularly mixed with apples and they freeze well.  Recipes for muffins,  cakes, jams, chutney's, tarts, smoothies and more  are very popluar at this time of the year. 

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