
Actually, it is a lily pad.
I was looking to she if there was a decent shot of the tadpoles to be taken.
There wasn't.

I did an early morning shop - with some discomfort ...... the exercises I did last night on the instructions of the physio have damned near crippled me. I suspect they are going to do me good though, because it is not the 'bad' muscles that are aching.

Then after breakfast SWMBO and I went for fuel. It was nice to see that it had gone down in price...and is more than 20p per litre cheaper than locally. It really makes the trip worth while.

Apart from that all I have done is given the huge pot/vase I made yesterday a 2nd coat of melamine. 
You can see how huge it is Here.
That is James Bond using it as a hiding place by the way (after all - it is HUGE).

Oh, and I watched the Grand Prix.
That was a bit of a farce.

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