Today was Palm Sunday, for me it is always a very poignant service ( I respect other or no faiths) we heard The Passion of Christ according to Matthews Gospel, there are other versions but this was the chosen one today. It makes ME feel quite sad , but man is still doing similar things to man, have we learnt anything in 2000 plus years? I think not . ??
Todays weather started rather dull and very cold here but by 2.30pm it had brightened up & the sun shone. We just popped out to the garden centre as I needed a couple of items. Tomorrow I need to wait in for a BT engineer . Reported a fault on my TV yesterday about 4pm & have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Brilliant service spoke to a lovely assistant. Accolade given for attention received . If the problem isn’t solved it won’t be for the want of trying.
Hope everyone has had an enjoyable Sunday.
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