
We fed them, each on either side of a stack of baby gates. They were calm and unbothered, as they were yesterday. After they ate, I began playing with a dangling toy, each having a turn on their sides of the gates. T was in with Fianna and I was on the other side of the gates with Raven. Then, their paws went though the baby gate openings, still no trouble. We removed one gate. Star jumper, Raven started to go over the gate and stopped teetering on the top! I got her down, we removed the last gate and they began playing side by side on the bed. We watched in amazement.

Raven was more interested in the toy, Fianna accepted her immediately. She is still shy, hanging out in the bedroom with an open door. Raven is in and out, more interested in us than Fianna at the moment. Not one hiss or aggressive stance for either. As my blip pal for years, Bethanne says, "They have handed in their Feral Cards for good."

We sent a text to Fianna's foster mum and our contact at the Standish Humane Society, with the exciting news. Now, Fianna has to get braver and venture out, but this was the most excellent 74th Birthday Present!!

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool. I'm enjoying family and friends dropping in. We'll order some delicious take out from one of our favorite restaurants later.

All hands grateful and happy

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