
I've been meaning to post my daily photos on here but I've been pretty tired. Life has been pretty hectic recently. Little Man has decided not to sleep during the day (I've taken to putting him to bed earlier than I would have if he'd had a sleep) so I can only post in the evenings when he's in bed already. The reason for this is due to the fact that Little Man has realised that things will happen on my phone if he touches the screen. So I'm trying to teach him not to touch my phone if he's on my lap. It's a work in progress. I'll be posting the photos I've taken over the last few weeks with the note "[Backblip]" to let you know that I've been delayed posting. I'm going to try to be more active with my activity on here.

Little Man and I spent some time outside in the garden, which was a lot of fun. We spent a lot of time chasing each other and giggling. He also climbed onto the chairs.

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