
By RaceyTrace333

Tucked up, and does not want to get up!

Neither of us wanted to today, it was a struggle.

Today I have had a mixed bag, in the office for the morning and then meeting in Dagenham this afternoon.

Think I might have a parking ticket due, as was over the hour and think this is clocked by camera! Time will tell.

Tonight friend popped in to see studio, she loved it. She wanted first sitting but someone has beaten her. Might also do a lifestyle shoot with her children too.

Going to be another struggle in morning as 00.30hrs. Still only Braintree tomorrow, Watford Friday.

Ted who did my studio is coming on Friday to start on the radial pergola so we can fill up the hot tub! Hopefully by end of weekend we could be relaxing in it. Looking forward to a soak under the stars and a glass of bubbly!

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