View from Jon’s new home

Today has been a very full on day.

Started off with a quick pick up of my new sunglasses (lost the old ones in Alex Headland sea .. had them for 17 years!!!) and get some baby stuff for Taylor's baby shower.

Then baby shower in Little Mountain. Lovely to see some of her school friends, and Sandy and Jess were there too with little Oscar.

Then off to meet Jon and Martin in IKEA for just a few more things for Jon's place, and then finally the drive down to Brisbane.

Well, we got to Fortitude Valley a little later than we expected, and found Chinatown's restaurants were already closed, boo hoo.  So grabbed some lunch from a Japanese place at the train station and took it up to Jon's flat.

Got all the stuff that needed to get done done, and Martin and I finally headed back home around 6pm.  Needless to say it was a rather emotional drive home for me and Martin too.  I was sobbing the whole way ... it feels like he was just born yesterday, and now he's moved out into his own place!!!

Ben had dinner ready for when we came home and I sobbed through dinner as well.  Its really hard crying and eating at the same time.  Martin put out 4 placemats ... he didn't even realise he did it.  

And then there was 3!

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