
By Yeda


How does one save a goldfish?

We left it for dead for nine days while away on holiday and it surprised us all by still being alive when we returned. She seemed invincible! We were very careful to not over feed and to keep the water fresh and the kids would check in with her many times each day. However, seven days later, she takes a turn for the worse.

As you can see, she looks a bit under the weather. I try to keep her focused and tap on the glass. It works, she starts swimming and coming up to the surface, but when I tire of this she gently glides back down barely able to breath, it seems. Her belly looks distended and it pulls her upside down, not a good sign.

Is there a fish doctor in the house?

I went back to check on her condition to find that my sweetheart just dropped in an aerator. She is still sluggish, too weak to swim in the current of bubbles, but she is not belly up. She is still conscious; I can detect a little sparkle in her eyes. But I prepared the children for the worst. They quickly took a look for themselves, discussed how we all die sometime, and said their goodbyes as they ran for the door to play outside. Not fazed, I see.

Maybe she will pull through?

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