The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Spring at the Long Ground, Stroud

I accompanied a client on the start of a walk for a group of people with learning difficulties. My client is aiming to become a regular volunteer with this group, as more 'shepherds' are needed. I rang him afterwards and he said he had enjoyed it, and was aiming to go back again.

After the first fifteen minutes, I peeled off the towpath, crossed the bridge over the canal, hopped over the main road and walked down the Long Ground to that supermarket car park, and then back up the surgery. A perfect day for a walk!

Admin is still a major headache at work. The big knot that I set out to unpick is threatening to tie me up. I don't even know how the problem I am seeking to resolve was created in the first place. The only person who may know the answer has resigned. Well, I get points for keeping going and working towards a solution.

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