Looking Beautiful

It was a cold start but warmed up with lots of sunshine and blue sky's.

I had an appointment to see the Specialist about my spine, early this morning. I had a MRI a few weeks ago as my back has been more painful especially after a fall... I didn't land on the ground but hit the bins and it winded me and since then the pain got really bad. I knew I didn't brake anything. I was told L4 in the lower spine the disc is bulging and the bones have around the area have deteriorated since my last MRI a year ago. The Specialist said I have three options ... Manage with medication, or try a Injection or a Operation. The operation is the best option but it wouldn't be covered by ACC. The costs would be over
$30,000. Which I don't have. And to get into the public system... its luck of the draw!. I have decided to try the steroid injection. Hopefully that with be covered under ACC.

My Migraine is much better today. I still have a headache but I now can look at a screen without feeling sick. Thank you all for all the stars and hearts.

Update... I will get the injections on Thursday. I have to take It easy for a week afterwards . 

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