My dear friend Lynne

Died this morning in the hospice in Christchurch.  Her cancer had spread to her liver and brain, and there was nothing more to be done except keep her comfortable and pain free. I feel  like I’ve been hit by a tsunami.  We’ve been friends for 35 years. 
Four weeks ago we visited Russell Cotes Museum together and had a lot of fun, and cake! This has moved very fast. 
Above is a photo of her - on the right, holding the map. And her partner is  on the left. We are in a beautiful garden in South Wales, called Dewstow,  about 3 years ago. It’s a good picture of her - she was bright, clever, funny and fun. I’ll go to Bournemouth soon, not quite sure when, to help her partner with some of the masses of admin to be done when somebody dies. Exhausting. 

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