Beach Art?

Or a rendezvous point? Another pleasant evening down on the beach. Bumped into a couple of former work colleagues on the Prom - P is up from down south visiting M, who lives in Porty. We compared notes on the travails of our different football teams - I think I won (or should that be lost) as while Chelsea and Hibs both seem to have dipped in form lately and are below where they would like to be in their respective leagues both my teams are in the relegation zone! Earlier L and I went up to Dundee. We first met L's friend G for a drink and a chat in Willows cafe and then stayed there for lunch with my Dad and K and my sister J and her partner D. As J is supremely averse to having her picture on the internet there is no picture from lunch to share :-( 
And a massive win at ER tonight - it's the hope that gets you...

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