
A slow start to the day after a bit of a rough night with pain in my leg - it had never occurred to me to take painkillers before bed so its my own fault!

Anyway,  all was well this morning so I went to a garden centre I haven't visited before.  It was really lovely, bigger than the Dobbies one and I saw lots of plants I wanted.  However, I was restrained and only bought a few including some tomato plants which I suspect I will have to cover if snow/frost is due...

I liked the colour of this aquilegia.  I've only ever known purple ones before.

In the extra - is this my clemetis coming back?  I wasn't sure, but the extreme heat last summer killed it off, and I'll be really glad if its coming back, but not sure if this is it or not?

I came back and painted the long wall for approximately 3 hours.  I still need to add another coat which is a pain (and try to get a picture hook out of the wall - I can't do it with a hammer.....  

I've got all sorts of cable clips out of the skirting boards, which I'd never noticed until needing to paint the skirting.  This next wall, the skirting is really bad, back to the wood and some looks chewed up or damaged somehow, so I'll need to sand it down before painting I think!

Just the window wall which is almost done as I started on it to use up paint from the ceiling, and the other long wall I've decided to use as the feature wall to go....

After painting I relaxed on the bed for an hour, then had dinner and now I'm watching TV with my feet up :)

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