The Optimist
I have been expecting today's political development in Scotland for a while now, so I guess I am glad it is now public although I am angry and frustrated about what has (allegedly) been going on.
Certainly I am curious as to why the police have been digging up Sturgeon's garden. I am curious about a few other things which have been going on over recent weeks.
Junior came to my house for lunch today and I treated him to a venison steak. It disappeared super fast, along with a large pile of (home made) oven chips. I must remember to get two steaks for him next time, and maybe an extra potato too.
It was good to catch up with him, as always, and to share our analyses of last night's game.
Fife Flyers' official photographer was at the game and has posted some fantastic crowd & action shots on his FB page.
Typhoons v Eagles
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