Six letters arrived for me yesterday, not fan mail, Office of the Public Guardian correspondence. All in order, so that's a relief. I've done something right. All should be finalised by the end of April. Feeling pleased with myself I decided to create an online bank account for Mum as her current account needs topping up. All going swimmingly until asked how many years in present property. I tried to work out when Mum & Dad left the pub, got my sums wrong. Application cancelled. Contact the bank. Drat!
I walked up to fetch the paper the headed to CK early.
Sunshine but a sneaky wind took the temp down a tad on our walk this morning. Back at base. Mum had received 2 letters from the OPG, so I rang my brother to check if he had received mail. Yes he had. I guess he would have rung me to let me know?? Phew! Correspondence filed, time to ring the bank. What a flippin rigmarole!! I made 3 calls before actually selecting the correct digits to actually speak to someone. Not particularly easy to understand due to his accent, more difficult for Mum, but very helpful, & patient. Transaction completed. I needed a caffeine fix.
A morning gardening was the plan, that's what happened. A vicious pyracantha removed once I'd checked the nests were old. Removing the upper growth was'nt too difficult, removing the stump which was an absolute mare, but I was determined to get it out. A tine snapped off Mum's fork. Ops! Root out, trellis still complete. A good result. Mum did some weeding for a while but it was quite chilly so I sent her back indoors. Coffee & Danish pastry to celebrate. I rang hubby as I decided to carry on gardening. I removed the winter flowering jasmine that was'nt performing, trellis removed as well. I lost the spring in my secateurs. Drat! Good progress being made on making the property free of obstacles in readiness for decorating. A couple of Mum's neighbours in the cul de sac passed by so able to catch up on a couple of bits of news, which I passed to Mum. It will be great when the weather is a little warmer & settled as she will see them hetself when she's gardening. She loves her plants.
Mum was preparing her dinner so I gave her a hand then headed back to Chudleigh. Pick up hubby, plus 2 bags of locally made compost for the plot, dropped hubby up in town, then nipped to the post office where I'm able to cheques into Mum's bank account. I've no idea where the nearest Barclays bank is situated as they've closed so many branches. It's a nightmare! Posted my uncles birthday card.
Home now, watching the Chase with a cider for company. :-D
Wishing you all a jolly Easter weekend.
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