Jumping Frog

We were looking after the Flumlet again today and what entertainment we had!

Mr Flum was making a jumping frog from an origami pattern when the Flumlet, watching the folding, announced that he could make a row of snowmen. So he did and very successful they were - come the frog actually jumping, we decided to jump it over the snowmen - main photo of one of many demonstrations thereof.

We had spent over an hour and a half at Eden Rock this morning - that is, he climbed, Mr Flum supervised and I sat in the cafè watching. I noticed the care that they take to avoid cross-contamination of allergens, the three colour-coded tongs labelled 'nuts', 'vegan' and 'everything else'( extra photo)

In between all that he helped finish decorating the Easter Tree, had another go at learning to knit, got out the farm and the animals, besides playing on his tablet. We all played a round of Crazy Chefs (and managed to pack all the pieces away) before running him back home.

This evening we were back at church and rehearsed Wondrous Cross, by Alan Bullard, to be performed at the Good Friday service tomorrow.

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