Views of my world

By rosamund


I was so taken with Noah's mendhi pattern in his art folder that I had to capture it so I can use some of his designs in my sewing. I felt loaded with the cold by the evening so I went to bed early hence the delayed blip.

S1 parents night was excellent, Noah got glowing reports from all his teachers and the one that meant the most to me was English. All through primary they would tell me with despair that the dyslexic child struggled a bit with reading and writing whereas his Secondary teacher talked about his wit, his intelligence and his insight! What a contrast! I was so pleased. This is the same teacher who talked about the humour and flair of his writing when she wrote his report. I was always so worried about how Noah would cope in high school but tonight my worries were put to rest.

Carlos was late home so the children and I had a celebratory tea to mark their excellent reports and I'm glad they're both going their foreign trips next week as they deserve them, they have worked so hard this year and are both prepared for the increased revision and studying the next year in their education will bring.

I knit a few rows of my Calliope shawl but too tired to do much else. Hoping I fend off the cold til I get through my meeting with my boss and the director tomorrow and my first presentation on Friday, at least I'll have the long weekend before the SECC on Tuesday.

Busy busy.

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