The second half of life..

By twigs

Shake a tail feather

A mixed day of drizzle, rain, sunshine, blue skies, and more drizzle.  

Attempted a short bush walk this morning but even the birds seemed to have decided that they'd stay home out of the wetness.  Going uphill on an uneven, root covered, leaf covered, rocky track is one thing......coming back down is another.  I decided to spare myself some potential embarrassment (not to mention damage) and turn around.  Slowly made my way from little River back to Weedons where I've decided to base myself tonight.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Oh - and this fella was one bird I did see - Kev and 2 mates, high up on a telegraph wire.  Couldn't resist the alternative view even though Kev looks like he's giving me a bit of a 'how dare you' look. Love those tail feathers though.

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