Perfect Spring Day

Had a fairly early bed last night, so was ready, up and about sharp this morning.
Consequently the dogs had an early walk, too early - the park was heaving with the 9.30 dog walking crowd, so we walked round the outside, bumped into my friend G and that’s about as far as we got.
Still, we caught up on bits and pieces and I will call in and see her over the next couple of weeks when she is holding the fort at The Walkin cafe at Deepdale till the new manager takes over.
Callum painted the gate. I did several loads of washing - all dried outside.
I called over the road to catch up with Mark, that turned into another hour of chatting.
Then when I came back we sat outside with a cuppa and it was glorious. This is when I jumped up and got my blip. The aircraft are all feeling spring like too around here and quite probably practicing for the season starting at Shuttleworth.
Although I think these two are probably just "chipmunks" and so maybe not part of the line up.
Anyway, super weather day.

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